Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Jay Z & Kanye West Release No Church In The Wild Video
Jay Z and Kanye West release the the new video for No Church In The Wild. Directed by Romain Gavras (M.I.A's Born Free and Bad Girls) the video is an epic riot scene of apocalyptic proportions.
Check out the craziness below!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Bobby Womack and Lana Del Rey
Another odd pairing as of late is Lana Del Rey and legend Bobby Womack. Teaming up for a track on the 68 year old's new album The Bravest Man In The Universe due out on XL June 11th. The track is a really cool spaced out sound that seems like it's begging for a Jamie XX like remix.
The track is called Dayglo Reflection by Bobby Womack featuring Lana Del Rey..
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Preview of Azealia Banks New EP 1991
After a couple of push backs and a management change, Azealia Banks releases the details for the new EP. 1991 will feature her hit 212 as well as three new tracks. Listen below for a one minute preview of each song. Sounds dance-tastic! I still got 212 on repeat from last week.
1. 1991
2. Van Vogue
3. 212
4. Liquorice
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Lupe Fiasco - Around My Way (Freedom Ain't Free)
Lupe Fiasco is back at it again with his first single of of his fourth studio album Food and Liquor 2: The Great American Rap Album. The new single is called Around My Way (Freedom Ain't Free.) The new track samples Pete Rock and CL Smooth's classic T.R.O.Y. and at first Pete Rock seemed to have beef with the rework but he updated his Twitter to say him and Lupe spoke and are cool. Lupe defends reworking the classic track...
"All the credit goes to my partner and manager Chill, he just felt like it was time to bring back a joint, Go back and take one of the iconic records of Hip Hop and put a new spin on it and put it back out there"
Lupe Fiasco – Around My Way (Freedom Ain’t Free) (HIPHOPYT.WORDPRESS.COM) by HipHopYT
What do you think? Paying respect? or jacking beats?
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Ron Burgundy Is Back And This Time... He's On Top
Two new teaser trailers are out for Anchorman 2! So stoked for this even though it is not out for another 9 months
Azealia Banks Has Arrived
Not entirely sure what to think of Azealia Banks. This twenty year old rapper/singer from Harlem certainly has a new style that could very well be the future of female of Hip Hop. For now, this is just the beginning of Azealia Banks. The song was released at the end of 2011 but it definitely getting some attention on the old interweb.
Her debut album 1991 will hit the web on May 29th and the stores on June 12th.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Against Me Singer Comes Out As Transgender
Tom Gabel, the lead singer of Against Me! has done an interview with RS and revealed himself to be Transgendered. Tom will soon begin living as a woman and eventually take the name of Laura Jane Grace. Since the news broke on Friday the band has seen support from fellow rockers Gaslight Anthem and GLAAD. President of GLAAD Herndon Graddick told RS...
"Tom is displaying extraordinary courage by coming out as transgender after already establishing herself as a rock star. For many of the band's fans, this may be the first time they're actually thinking about transgender people and the bravery it sometimes takes in order to be true to yourself. We've seen nothing but support from Tom's fanbase online, and we hope her story will help countless transgender youth who have not had someone like her to relate to before."
Thursday, May 17, 2012
The Art Of Mike Mitchell
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Cheers Elephant
Here is a fun and bright pop song to wrap up your spring. As the weather starts to heat up a track like this is perfect for a sunny day. The track is called Leaves and the band Cheers Elephant, is described as a raw, rootsy, psychedelic pop rock quartet from Philadelphia.
You can get their album by donation on the band's Bandcamp page.
Cheers Elephant with Leaves
Cheers Elephant - Leaves by Viva Indie Rock2
Jay Z Backs President Obama On Gay Marriage
Jay Z takes a stance on gay marriage and back President Barack Obama. With Hip Hop still tolerating so much homophobia within the culture, it is great to see a name like Jay Z speak out. Hopefully with all this attention this topic is getting we will start to see change and see more rappers speaking out.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
New Song by The Tallest Man On Earth
The Tallest Man On Earth releases the first single, 1904, from his upcoming album, There's No Leaving Now. This new track isn't drastically different from the sound we are used to from this Swedish folk hero but it definitely feels like an evolution. The sound is more full of body and feels less stripped down than his last album The Wild Hunt. We can only assume that his new album will reflect this new found fullness throughout.
Head over to Rolling Stone for the free download and brief interview
Here is 1904 by The Tallest Man On Earth
The Tallest Man On Earth - "1904" by Rolling Stone Magazin
Grouplove - Tongue Tied
The Zone has been playing a fun little indie pop song by a band called Grouplove lately and holy shit is it catchy. I'm pretty sure that this has been stuck in my head for an entire week now. These guys just formed in 2010 in Portland but it seems like they are already exploding. This track Tongue Tied is already number six on the Rock Charts.
Their album Never Trust a Happy Song is definitely worth the purchase BUY IT
Grouplove - Tongue Tied
Monday, May 14, 2012
Wake Owl
One of the awesome bands that will be hitting up Rifflandia this year (and also May 25th at Lucky Bar) is the Vancouver indie folk/rock collective Wake Owl. These guys have a great sound and I'm stoked to see it live. Hit up the website to buy tickets/support.
"We are a band from Vancouver" - Wake Owl
This is Gold by Wake Owl off the Wild Country EP
Gold by Wake Owl
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Brother Ali Drops A New Track!
Brother Ali drops a new track and video called Not A Day Goes By. Head nod warning: Jake One is on the beat. Head over to Rhymesayers to download the mp3
Brother Ali is currently putting the finishing touches on his 6th studio album Mourning In America And Dreaming In Color.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
New Album From The Tallest Man On Earth
There's No Leaving Now is the new album by The Tallest Man On Earth and boy does this guy have great timing. The new album is set to be released on June 12th, just before summer. What better way to soundtrack your summer in Victoria than with a folksy indie album. This guy would fit right in at Rifflandia.
Here's the track listing to the new album.
There's No Leaving Now:
01 To Just Grow Away
02 Revelation Blues
03 Leading Me Now
04 1904
05 Bright Lanterns
06 There's No Leaving Now
07 Wind and Walls
08 Little Brother
09 Criminals
10 On Every Page
Here is one of my favorites The Weather Of A Killing Kind
The Tallest Man on Earth - Weather of a Killing Kind by All Around Sound Blog
Here's the track listing to the new album.
There's No Leaving Now:
01 To Just Grow Away
02 Revelation Blues
03 Leading Me Now
04 1904
05 Bright Lanterns
06 There's No Leaving Now
07 Wind and Walls
08 Little Brother
09 Criminals
10 On Every Page
Here is one of my favorites The Weather Of A Killing Kind
The Tallest Man on Earth - Weather of a Killing Kind by All Around Sound Blog
The Uncluded
Aesop Rock and Kimya Dawson (The Moldy Peaches) are making an album together and they call this project The Uncluded. They are definitely an unlikely duo of underground legends but with a lot of similarities this project seems like a no brainer. They both have built a strong level respect based on their DIY careers and they both carry an incredibly unique style. An odd pairing but it definitely works. Aesop has also worked with Kimya recently on her album Thunder Thighs(support) and she is set to be featured on his upcoming album Skelethon(support).
Their album will be released sometime this year and will be titled Hockey Fright. On Aesop Rock's website the tracklisting is released as this screen shot...
Lots of live footage is up on you tube and Bats and Delicate Cycle have been released so far.
Heres Bats!
Friday, May 11, 2012
UPDATE: Andre 3000 To Star As Jimi Hendrix, Estate Opposes
Three Stacks from Outkast is set to star in the recently announced Jimi Hendrix biopic. According the the Irish Times filming is to begin shortly in Ireland. Transforming Bray and DĂșn Laoghaire into 1960s London. The film, titled All Is By My Side was written and also will be directed by John Ridley (Three Kings) Full details are said to be released at the upcoming Cannes film festival.
UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal reported the estate has made it clear that they oppose this biopic. They stated:
"Experience Hendrix LLC has made it known many times in the past that no such film, were it to include original music or copyrights created by Jimi Hendrix, can be undertaken without its full participation.”They did however go on to say that they might be interested in getting involved in something like this in the future. I wonder how the film will make it work with out using original music.
WSJ said a representative for Andre 3000 didn’t immediately respond to a request for a comment.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Dudes Play Victoria
Victoria! Get ready for some high quality Rock n' Roll brought to you courtesy of The Dudes! These fellows from Calgary are back with a new single American Girl and new album on the way, Barbers, Thieves and Bartenders.
They will be hitting up Club 9ONE9 Thursday, May 10th and they won't be alone. Poor Young Things, another solid rock band from even further out east (Thunder Bay, Ontario) will be opening up and doors are at 8:00pm.
They will be hitting up Club 9ONE9 Thursday, May 10th and they won't be alone. Poor Young Things, another solid rock band from even further out east (Thunder Bay, Ontario) will be opening up and doors are at 8:00pm.
Aesop Rock Releases A Video For Zero Dark Thirty
Aesop Rock premiers his brand new video for the single Zero Dark Thirty off his upcoming album Skelethon out on July 10th on Rhymesayers.
Finally! It always feels like forever between solo albums for Aesop and sometimes it is. 5 Years for this one but it is on it's way along with a side project with Kimya Dawson (The Moldy Peaches) but that's worthy of its own entire post.
Another little bonus was that the Rhymesayers released the lyrics in the description on the youtube page. Copy and pasted below for your reading enjoyment.
Unsigned hype, front line aeronauts flurry, zero dark thirty, zero friends, minotaur-fugly stepchild, evoke lunch jumped over plunging necklines, up, beside tongue-tied hungry enzymes, devolved into mothmen munching textiles, punisher, out past go-time, back 10 fried worms chubbier, brown grass both sides, canned food, manmade tools, Lanacane, band-aids, mandrake root, bindle on a broom stick, pancaked shoes and handshake-proof campaign, can't lose, can't gain, smoke out moles like a force of nature, pray fortune return to his favor, swiftly, maybe in the form of a nest egg, maybe in the form of a tesla death ray, or a solid gold scene with something better to celebrate than powder on your face like a flat foot on jelly day, m-m-moral compass all batshit, spinning in the shadows of immoral magnets, are we supporting the artist or enabling the addict, I mean, I guess it matters to me, I wish it mattered to you, how a thousand virtues, kick the same bucket like chinatown turtles
Roving packs of elusive young, become choke-lore writers over boosted drums, in the terrifying face of a future tongue, Down from a huntable surplus to one
(check his own) Breakneck pulse over colors in a drain that emote sugar skulls in the rain, flower-eyes melting, guided by a levy made of bath tiles tilting, quarter up and headed for the kill screen, no corner cut, no build team, only a particularly menacing, angle perpendicular to everything, boys room cherry bomb, boy/goon very much runnin' with the devil in the mellotron, hello, here's where a tale of caution, pounds coffin nails to bootlegs of Hawkwind, saw tooth, nevermind straw to gold, spin hearts on sleeves into heads on poles, arm in the maw, fish out pith like a business card from a jar at the mall, A-alike androids dreaming of carbon applause get stuffed with cartoon cigars, cold pack, neti-pot, home to roost, around folk backed into what they most lampoon, shook to the fevered brow and broke ankles, daisy, declawed pound, no thank you, fade me, failed all basic training but I spent a couple groundhogs days with a changeling, silouhette the god last cigarette, anything less would be re-god-damn-diculous
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The Tale Of You & I

Here is a nice little piece of Indie Folk by the group Wild Child from Austin Texas. Really enjoying the back and forth banter of the male and female vocals. A similar style to Of Monsters And Men but Wild Child seem to take the new dark folk sound a bit further. I would highly suggest The Tale of You & I from their album Pillow Talk.
Head over to their website and get the album!
The Tale Of You & Me by WildChildSounds
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