K-OS recently announced over both Facebook and Twitter that he will be releasing a song with Drake later this week. While some of his fans shared his excitement over the release, many fans were not ashamed to hide their disappointment or even disgust by making direct comments to K-OS like, "WHAT!!.....why would you collab with him?", "FUCK DRAKE....K-OS DON'T DO IT" and "He is NOT that dope of an emcee - he's Wheelchair Jimmy..."
Shortly after the comments were made, K-OS came to Drake's defense by posting a song in which Drake collaborates with Saukrates and said, "Not an M.C? Not everyone is on the same page of what an M.C is or isn't. Oh well. LISTEN."
I guess K-OS is hearing something out of Drake that the rest of us aren't.
Lame! I was so close to bursting on the scene as MC Wheelchair Jimmy.
ReplyDeleteIn other news, I would blame everything bad that happens to me on Drake if I hadn't already figured out that it is ALWAYS Raven Simone's fault.