Martin Scorsese has been changing film for 30+ years. His ability to dominate every aspect of film is mesmerizing. A master of all genres, he seems to perfect every piece of film he touches. Now, if you're not familiar with his work, here's a brief run through: Goodfellas, Casino, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, The Departed, Gangs of New York, Cape Fear, and now to add to that list of classics, Shutter Island.
Shutter Island is an amazing look at Scorsese's vision of a psychological thriller, starring his regular, Leonardo DiCaprio as a sea-sick detective travelling to a mental institution located on a crazy ass looking island. He is hired to inspect a case of an escaping patient, who is considered extremely dangerous. But, you know what, I think I'm just going to leave it at that because that's all you need to know. If I was you, I wouldn't read anything about this film if you already haven't, because I kind of did and it didn't exactly ruin it for me, but it hinted a lot of things that I suspected when I was watching this. But all in all, it was a wicked movie, full of amazing photography and extremely well done direction. Scorsese's ability to manipulate the viewers emotions into the same confusion in which the lead character experiences is captivating. Many critics have expressed this as a negative aspect to the film, but for me it kept me thinking, and that is an attribute that made the film stand out in my mind.
Unsurprisingly, Leo, as always, was at the top of his game and so were the rest of the actors. Ben Kingsley's performance also made a huge impact in keeping things creepy and insecure. Also, look out for a cameo by Buffalo Bill. Shutter Island is a keeper, and a must see. I would suggest checking it out in the theatres because the cinematography is off the hook, and it looks soo good on the big screen. So, check it out and don't sleep because that wouldn't be cool.
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