Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Langdon Drops 'The AUG Ep'

In the spirit of Christmas, Langdon Auger spoiled his fans this past weekend by posting a free download of his new album, 'The AUG Ep' on his website.

In this highly-anticipated follow-up to 'Inaugeration' (2008), Langdon demonstrates his exemplary production skills with catchy beats featuring a wide variety of musical styles and influences. The lyrics are somewhat reminiscent of Langdon's early work (albums such as 'Songs From The Hills' and 'Crisp Livin'), as Langdon combines humour, wit and visual references to Victoria to create highly original lyrics which make you proud to live in Victoria. Some personal favourites from 'The AUG Ep' are "The Aug Freestyle", "The Drive Through" and "Grizzly Bears."

So, if you haven't already done so, I highly recommend that you check out this holiday treat. And if you like what you hear, keep your eyes and ears open because word on the 'book is that Langdon plans to do some shows early in the new year.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

10 Years of Trailer Park Boys

Yes kids, its been 10 years since the boys debut on Canadian television. The show actually didn't start until 2001, but in '99 they release a made for TV movie which basically explained the Trailer Park Boys basics, kinda like a low-budget version of the first movie. I've been a huge fan of these dudes and think they are genius' for coming up with such a simple concept for a TV show with such a low-budget and succeeding enormously. Even though these guys probably wont be able to expand their acting careers with new characters, they should be damn proud of their accomplishments. With 7 seasons, a Christmas special, and 2 major movies under their belt, (one which was just released on DVD today) the crew will never be able to walk down any streets in Canada without being recognized. From Lahey's drinking binges and Randy's cheeseburger eating gut to Bubbles obsession with kitties and Ricky's Rickyisms. The show has kept us entertained for years and with that being said I crown Trailer Park Boys the title of Canadian comedy legends! I would seriously place them next to Kids in the Hall and SCTV for the greatest Canadian shows of all time...oh wait...and Degrassi..Har har!! Here's a short film that started it all....

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The worst fucking song ever.

Well Cake fans, I have been keeping my ears open just for you guys in hopes of finding the worst song ever! And I am unhappy to say that I have finally found just that. Luckily for us it comes with a video that is equally as horrendous as the song. The artist is former pro-skateboarder turned auto-tune ear rapist, Jereme Rogers. Now Jereme was actually a incredible skateboarder during his career. In 2005 he was named Transworld's Rookie of the Year. In 2006 he placed 2nd overall in Skate Park at the Dew Tour, and in 2007 he placed 2nd in the Tampa Pro for street and best trick. Jereme has now 'retired' from skateboarding to pursue his 'musical' passion with...as you can see... no success.

With that being said this video/song may cause you to savagely rip your own ears off, sharpen them to dull points and use them to gauge your own eyes out. I realize that auto-tuned music is very popular right now but I think even an auto-tune fan will tell you that six minutes of this guy mumbling primary school raps over a beat that was surely made by accident is taking this exaggerated fad way too far.    

I wish nothing but bad things for this person.
I'm not even going to comment on his treble clef tear drop tattoo either....god I hate this guy.

Just watched the video from 'Prom Queen' on Much Music (#5 hottest hip hop video)
Lil Wayne...your next.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Woah hold up...

Today I was checkin out the new trailers for upcoming movies, when I came across a trailer called Death At A Funeral starring Chris Rock and Martin Lawrence. The name seemed familiar, so I thought a little harder and remembered that I had seen a film, I think it was earlier this year, with that exact same title. So I watched this "new" trailer and to my surprise IT WAS THE EXACT SAME MOVIE, but with an all American cast (where the original had all English people in it). What is that? I liked it, it was pretty funny....But twice? With different actors?...Yeahhh, I don't know...Oh wait, actually the little person is the same dude in both movies. Which I think is even weirder. I wonder which movie he liked more? Or which set had better food?.. too many questions. But for real though, remaking a film within 2 years. I guess they just sat back and looked at all the rest of the English shows that they have ripped off and had made money from and thought "Hm, I'm lazy and uncreative, lets steal this movie and put and bunch of famous people in it and make it American"...fffffshhhhhhhhchhh bull shit...Respect Frank Oz

The Original:

The Hollwood Rip-off:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

PTA Announces New Film In The Works

Detail director Paul Thomas Anderson has released an article stating that he will be working on his 6th feature film. Anderson, whose past films include Sydney, Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch-Drunk Love and the most recent There Will Be Blood, has informed the media that his new plot line will feature a man (played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman) that has created his own cult-like religion.

In his past work, his main characters usually start on a good note but slowly self-destruct throughout the film, a trait that many directors have used to create more of an 'un-hollywood' appeal (i.e Sir Martin Scorsese the great and creator of geniusness). I would strongly recommend that you take that statement as a warning before entering the movie theatre to see this film, or any of his work for that matter. I have met many people who have hated all of his films for that reason, the crossing of the fingers for a happy ending. I, myself, find those types of films to be very lame and predictable. To leave an ending ambiguous and questionable gives people something to think and talk about. Even if you dislike it because it doesn't have closure or make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it allows each person to interpret their own messages from the film, and to me that is quality.

Paul Thomas Anderson pays an immense amount of attention to the detail of his work. He gives his films a distinct atmosphere by using all aspects of film; cinematography, sound, score, script, casting... you get the idea. Apparently PTA watched The Treasure Of Sierra Leone every night before filming There Will Be Blood, thus showing what distant measures he took to create an over powering and realistic environment. Anyway, I think I'm talking too much and you're probably getting bored of this, but my point is, this should be a kick ass movie and I say you should be stoked about it and if you disagree with me then go see Twilight you piece of work...yeah I said it...shazam...also if you are desperately in need of a good movie, check this list that imdb.com put up, and if you've seen all those then try here.

p.s. you're spoiled.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Shad Video

Shad has recently posted a new video on his blog featuring Louwop and Zaki Ibrahim. If you are unfamiliar with Shad, he is one of Canada's great hip hop lyrical masters. He has released two solid albums to this date, When This Is Over and The Old Prince. You can pick up 'The Old Prince' at almost any music store and can download 'When This Is Over' off of iTunes (I highly recommend you pick up both). Shad has showed up a couple of times in Victoria and has knocked the doors down. I would say one of the best live hip hop shows I've seen in some time. From his freestyling to covering the Fugees 'Mona Lisa', to busting out his acoustic guitar, it is completely worth the admission. So next time you see the word Shad on any poster downtown you best get your ass out there because it is something you don't want to miss. p.s check out the new playlist on the right, there's a Shad song on there...beeeyyyaaaauum